Your business needs SOFTWORK, at least one of them

Software affairs are square. Integrated SOFTWORKs give care.
Find most suitable ones for your business below

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Consolidate your data and gain insights

WhatsApp Analytics

Reveal insights from your chats


Your business is our business, so we care

SOFTWORK increases operational capacity of your business with technology. Enriched by experience in software implementation on micro to national business scale, we design SOFTWORK with these in mind: business process modernisation, operational efficiency, and data interconnectivity. Ultimately, your whole business becomes relevant to today's consumers.

0 years
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0 users
we take care

SOFTWORK enables digital transformation of your business, increase daily operational efficiency, and integrate crucial business data

With SOFTWORK in every operation point, such as sales (cashier / CS), procurement, warehouse, marketing, finance, or accounting, board of directors is able to have comprehensive data.

In your decision making process, data is paramount. Hence, SOFTWORK serves you data for your decision, business insight, and business expansion.

for Retail in Fashion (factory outlet, boutique, tailor)
for Jewelers (gold, silver, diamond)
for Souvenir Shop
for Electronic Shop (TV, fridge, fan, cooler)
for Handphone & Cellular
for Frozen food
for Stationaries
for Spare Part Shop
for Workshop
for Building Materials
for Computer & Laptop
for IT Peripherals
for Craft Shop
for your ....


In case you have any question about SOFTWORK, please do not hesitate to ask us.